Computer Controlled Cutting

Assembled lampshade!

Tested it out at home

Laser Cutter

  • Save sketches as DXF, make sure you got the right thickness for your drawings.

Measure the thickness of the material you intend to use and adjust accordingly

  • Turn on laser cutter (1 & 2)

  • Place your material inside the printer, use tape, weights, what is needed to keep it flattened.

  • Fix the tip of the laser pen, counter clock wise to loosen it and clock wise to tighten it

adjusting the tip

  • Go to lightroom and open your file there.

  • Set job origin

  • Check if there are open objects and if necessary close them!

  • If the file is not as you intended for it to be, you can do some fixes, for example, with boolean tools, joining objects, grouping, etc…

  • Adjust the speed and power of the laser cutter, you can check the templates hung on the wall to see what is appropriate

  • Switch on the laser cutter (3)

  • Turn on the fan

  • Make sure the origin is set correctly, press frame to test out

  • Press Play! after the machine is done cutting, wait a bit before opening it, if it starts burning, stop or pause and use the water sprinkler to cool it down.

  • If necessary offset the objects (after testing out)

Side Hustle

Learning a bit of coding, I started watching the course called Training Code on youtube, getting into processing!

  • Setup & Draw
  • Variables
  • If/else statements
  • Random
  • Boolean expressions